Capstar for Cats

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Capstar for Cats
Capstar for cats is a swift acting, impromptu flea removal treatment for cats. It is especially developed to control fleas in fleas infested areas. It starts killing adult fleas within half an hour of administration. This oral treatment kills 100% fleas within seven hours of administration. It is very easy to administer this treatment. The tablets do not have any odor. There is no irritation in cats after administration of this tablet. When this oral treatment is combined with long term topical treatment, it results in felines being protected from harmful flea infection and other flea induced diseases.
It is safe to administer these tablets in kittens 4 weeks of age and older with a weight of 2 pounds and more
How It Works?
Nitenpyram, an active ingredient present in Capstar for cats obstructs the flow of neural messages in fleas which results in death of the parasites. It attacks the central nervous system of the fleas thereby killing the parasites immediately. It also stops fleas from laying eggs and averts multiplication of these parasites.
Ingredients: Nitenpyram
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