Feliway Spray for Cats

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Feliway Diffuser Spray for Cats
Feliway Diffuser is a wonderful de-stress buster for cats. This innovative spray is extremely helpful in reducing urinating and soiling issues in cats. The pheromones in Feliway relaxes cats in stressful conditions. When the surfaces are marked with feliway spray cats recognize the area as comfort zones and do not soil or scratch the place/furniture. It is highly beneficial during festivals, parties, lightening, thunderstorm, fireworks and travelling.
How it works?
Feliway is an excellent diffuser that helps in lowering anxiety levels in cats. It contains artificial pheromones that depict and work like natural cat pheromones. Feliway solution mimics feline’s natural secretions and lowers behavioral issues in cats. It prevents anxiety and stress problems. Feliway spray comforts and relaxes cats in stressful situations.
Facial pheromones
- Shake the bottle well before opening the bottle.
- Spray at the desired location in the room.
- Spray the solution at the place where you do not want your cat to soil.
- Allow the product to settle at room temperature by leaving it in the room for about an hour before using it.
- Can spray on the prominent places.
- Apply a single dose every day at about 10 cm from the site, keeping the bottle vertical.
- The spray should be applied at the height of about 20 cm from the floor.
- Do not spray directly on cats.
- Keep the container tightly pack after use.
- Store it away from edible items.
- Keep away from children and pets.
- Store it in a cool and dry place.
- Helpful in lowering anxiety levels
- Works same as cat pheromones
- Helps reduce urine marking and scratching issues in felines
- Prevents cat soiling in the house
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