K9 Advantix Medium Dogs 11-20 lbs (Aqua)

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K9 Advantix For Dogs (Advantix) - Spot-On Flea & Tick Control
K9 Advantix, a Bayer product has everything that is needed for keeping the canines free from parasites. This spot-on preventive combats efficiently against multiple parasites including fleas and ticks. This pest control also protects the dogs from insects such as mosquitoes, stable flies, sand flies and chewing lice. The property that makes this flea preventive stand out from the others is that it not only kills the parasites, but also repels them. Thus, it safeguards the pet from parasitic re-infestation. Treating adult canines and puppies older than 7 weeks with K9 Advantix is tested safe.
How it works?
K9 Advantix for Dogs is composed using two key ingredients, Imidacloprid and Permethrin. The collective effect of these two chemicals makes this one of the most potent flea and tick treatments that destroys almost 98.5% insects within 24-48 hours of application. The first component, Imidacloprid has repelling properties which does not allow pests to sit on the treated pet’s body. The other compound Permethrin affects the sodium channels of parasite's nervous system and damages their nerve impulses. This kills the adult parasites making the canine safe for an entire month.
Ingredients: Imidacloprid, Permethrin
- K9 Advantix is available in four distinctly colored packs for different weight ranges of dogs. It is recommended to weigh your pooch before selecting a pack for him.
- Make your canine stand in a comfortable, straight position.
- Create a visible spot by parting the fur between his shoulder blades.
- Open the seal of the applicator and place it over the application site.
- Empty the entire content of the tube.
- Let the application area get dry.
- Repeat the process every month.
- Do not treat cats with K9 Advantix. It is extremely harmful.
- Keep the felines and kids away when you treat the pet.
- Avoid applying the solution if your pet is sick.
- Store the pack at a maintained temperature of 30 degree Celsius.
- Keep the box away from children and pets.
- Don’t bathe or let your pet swim until 48 hours of application.
- K9 Advantix is specifically formulated for canines. Its use on felines is strictly prohibited.
- Though it is rare, hyper sensitive dogs may show after effects like itchiness, redness or lethargy.
- Consult the vet immediately if you see any of the above signs in the treated pet.
- It is a multi-parasitic treatment
- Removes almost 100% fleas within 24 hours of application
- Kills all types of ticks within 48 hours of application
- Prevents pets from other parasites such as mosquitoes, chewing lice, biting flies, etc.
- Repels all the external parasites and does not let them sit on the pet’s body
- Prevents re-infestation of pests
- Aids in treating Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD)
- Water-safe after 48 hours of treatment
- Easy to apply and convenient
- Long lasting effects. Remains effective for 30 days
- Safe for pregnant and lactating females
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